Shipping & Return

Estimated Processing Time

It takes 2–7 business days for processing.

Estimated Shipping Times

North America: 1 – 2 weeks

Europe: 1 – 2 weeks

Rest of World: 1 to 2 weeks

We Ship Worldwide!

For international orders that have been in transit for over 20 days, please reach out to your local customs office to see if the package is available for pickup or has otherwise been held up due to customs fees.

* We do NOT ship to these countries: Cuba, Crimea, Iran, North Korea, and Syria.


We are not responsible for any customs fees that may incur with international orders. You are entirely responsible for any fees set by the customs office of your country. Should an international order be sent back to us due to a lack of claim, we will contact you to arrange a reship or credit to the website.


Returns are allowed within 30 days from the purchase (shipment) date for all items unworn.

  • If there is damage to an item upon delivery, contact us immediately here.

  • Jewelry must be unworn, unaltered and in original condition to be accepted for return. All packaging, instructions and warranties, as applicable, must be included with the return.

  • All refunds are credited to the same tender as the original purchase

If you have any questions, please contact us here.